This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Sunday, February 05, 2012

Worldwide Anarchy

What we are seeing in the world today is those that would like to rule the world creating worldwide anarchy. Just stop to think about it. Going back to what they called the "Arab Spring" ad you will see what I mean. What are these uprisings other than anarchy? They do not like the ruler at the time so they take to the streets as a mob. the United States and other countries ask the leader to step down and foment the mobs in those countries. Where there have been elections the Muslim Brotherhood has taken over. Where the military has taken over in certain countries to make the transition, the anarchists are not satisfied that they are moving fast enough. The mobs take to the streets again, supported by the U.S. and others that want a one world government. They feel that if enough of these countries fall into anarchy, they can step in and bring the government into the one world government.

Now let us take a look at good old U. S. of A. Here you could probably say it started in Wisconsin. That governor and legislature put forth bills that would bring the budget back into the black. the unions did not like that so they had all of the Demlican senators leave the state and go into hiding. That in itself I consider to be an unconstitutional move. However, those people really do not care about the constitution, they only care about themselves. As soon as the senators left the mobs began. They were violent, they were unruly, they sent death threats to the governor and to Republicrat senators. Of course nothing was done to them because they were on the "right side". It went from there to recall elections and now there are more recall elections coming up including the governor. We are no longer a state that is governed by the rule of law but a state that is run by mob rule. There are reasons that recall should be used, things like crime while in office and other things such as this. I do not believe that a recall should be allowed for a politician doing exactly what he stated he would do while he was campaigning.

Next it was a lot of other states doing the same things. Many of them do not have recall rules so their elected officials cannot be recalled. However, there was still the rioting and anarchists out an about calling for death to anyone who was not liberal enough and not behind the unions. After that it was and still is the Occupy Wall Street anarchists. Some people compare them to the Tea Party but that is bogus. While the Tea Party was very controlled and peaceful, the Occupy bunch is nothing but a bunch of anarchists that want something for nothing. They are not going away either. I believe that before this fall's election it will get much worse. They will very likely be protesting at any event that they do not believe is liberal (read communist) enough. I believe that it may get bad enough that B. Hussein O. our great pretendsident will have to call out the National Guard and perhaps declare Martial Law. If he does that it will be because he sees that he cannot win the election and will cancel this year's vote. If the election does go on and B. Hussein O. loses, look for rioting in the black community. Look for looting, burning, thefts and everything else that goes along with anarchy.

Everyone we have backed in the Middle East has gone to the Muslims and the couple of friends we did have there are friends no more. We practically helped get Mubarak out of Egypt and what happened? The Muslim Brotherhood took over and now they have a group of Americans being held to be put on trial. Egypt used to be our best friend in that region and now they are our mortal enemy. I believe that all of this is intentional. The fasciunists that are running this country and several other countries, want all of the unrest. If it gets bad enough the UN will just step in and take over. They will tell us it is to keep the peace but in fact it will be to drive a wedge deeper between us and the few friends we do have after B. Hussein O. gets done ticking all of our friends and allies off. The more that the anarchists take over things the better the fasciunists like it. It means that they are that much closer to being able to take over and set up their one world dictatorship.

It is time for all of us to become very vigilant if we are not already. I do not believe the we have much time to save this country. We have to get rid of illegal invaders to the country that would like to take the southwest third of the country over. They are another group that will riot an protest to get their own way and they too are being taken over by anarchists. All of this goes right back to the communist party and what they devised to take over this country. So, get off your sofa, open your eyes and do something. Anyone that is not part of the solution is going to be part of the problem.

Until next time check out my survival blog and my web store,

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Invasion America

As promised here is some more on the invasion of America. I did not get back to it in a week but here I am.

Here are a couple of facts that just came out lately. First, Pretendsident B. Hussein O. is stopping the deportation of thousands of invaders. Why would he do this? The only reason that I can come up with is to get their vote. But, you say, they cannot vote if they are not citizens. That is what the constitution says but not the way it really works. Why do you think that every state that has passed a photo ID to vote law is being sued. Here in Wisconsin a voter ID law was passed and before the ink was even dry on the governor's signature, there was a law suit filed. Why do you think that is? Well if ACORN could register Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and many other imaginary creatures, they sure could register invaders. The people suing are complaining that it will disenfranchise voters. Well, that is entirely true, it will disenfranchise all illegals. As far as American citizens go, all they have to do here in Wisconsin is stop at the local DMV and they can get a free photo ID card. That does not sound like disenfrachisement to me. Yes, they do have to bring a birth certificate and some other identification with them and that is where the rub comes in. The invaders do not have the identification to bring with them. This is exactly why we wanted and needed the law. This was American citizens can get a picture ID and go vote and the invaders cannot. The bleeding heart liberals do not like that. They know that the invaders will vote for them and will turn the election around, so the go to court to allow them to vote.

The second item is just about as bad or perhaps even worse. The census bureau counted every invader the same as if they were a citizen. By doing this there will be a redistricting based on the total population and demlican states will get more representation while republicrat states will lose representation. The constitution does not call for the counting of invaders. However, the way the pretendsident and his people are interpreting it they say it does. You see that is what they like to do, make the constitution say whatever suits their purpose. If they get their way we would never see a conservative voted into office again. The unions and the elite liberals like George Soros would totally control the country. This has to be stopped before the Fasciunists take over completely.

I can see many bad things coming from this invasion of America. There will be more riots, more robbing and looting, more rapes and murders and more and more fighting. There will possibly (probably) be martial law proclaimed. Do not pay any attention to the Mud Slinging Media, they are in the hip pocket of the unions and the elite liberals. If that were not so they would have vetted B. Hussein O. the way they do other candidates. They want him again and are doing their best to choose who he will run against. And you will also notice they are also on the side of the invaders. Be on your toes, get your news from the web or from talk radio. I do not even trust Fox anymore. Listen to people like Rush Limbaugh and Micheal Savage. They at least try to tell it the way it is.

Until next time check out my web store and my survival site.

Saturday, December 31, 2011


This week I would like to talk about the invasion of the United States of America. Some people call these invaders "Illegal Immigrants", some call them "Illegal Aliens". Heck, some just call them undocumented workers or undocumented immigrants or undocumented aliens, I call them what they are, "INVADERS". There can really be no other term to use to describe them. They are crossing our border illegally and that makes them invaders.

Going all the way back to the Old Testament of the Bible, when invaders attempted to take over a country held by the Israelites they were come up against by the people of that particular country and beaten back. Here in the United States in the 21st century, we welcome invaders, let them have our jobs while millions of Americans are out of work, give them a free education, free medical attention, food stamps, welfare and anything else that they might want. Does this sound like a sovereign country that wants to remain a viable republic?

Who are these invaders anyway? They are Mexicans, South Americans, Arabs, Muslims and anyone else that has a desire to take over a country. Do you think that "Take over a country" is too strong a statement? Let's look at a couple of things. First, I am going to concentrate on Mexicans and Muslims. The Mexican invaders come over the border and almost immediately join La Raza, an organization dedicated to taking the southwestern one third of the United States back for Mexico as part of their homeland. They are very vocal about it and brag about how they are going to do it. Then you have the Muslims. They come across the Mexican border and form cells here in the United States. These cells are either to promote and carry out terrorist attacks or to promote Sharia law. Both of these aims are meant to bring down the country and make it part of the one world caliphate.

So what do our fasciunist leaders do about it? They give both of these invading cultures everything they want. A good number of the politicians in DC, including our pretendsident, want to give them amnesty and make them citizens. The Demlicans especially see them as votes. If all of these 30 million invaders that are currently here were given amnesty and became instant citizens no one except a demlican could ever get elected again. These people would vote for the demlicans because that is the party that is keeping them here and giving them all the free goodies. Thus, I do not know why any republicrat would be for amnesty, but many are. Just look at the republicrat race to oppose B. Hussein O. Only two out of six are against giving a blanket amnesty to the invaders. They can kiss up to the invaders all they want, they will never get their votes anyway.

The stooges in DC keep telling us that we are a nation of immigrants and that we should welcome these invaders. Well, my grandparents on my mother's side were immigrants in the early twentieth century. The came here legally with a job waiting for my grandfather. The worked, paid their taxes and became part of the country. They did not join others from their homeland and attempt to take over a section of the country. They also did not try to get our laws changed to meet theirs from the old country. They understood that this was America and they had to do things the American way and blend into the country.

I keep hearing the idiots in DC tell us that we have to adapt to multiculturalism. If you look around the world you will see that it is not working in Europe and has never worked anywhere. The fall of the Roman Empire was caused to a large extent by multiculturalism. This country and no other country can continue with a hodgepodge of nationalities that will not cohere and act as one.

I am going to leave you this week with a quote for Theodore Roosevelt on this subject and will have more on this subject next week.

"The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin or preventing all possibility of its continuing as a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities and languages." T.R.

Check out my survival blog and my web store

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Fasciunism Revisited

I have been doing some reading lately. What I am doing is re-reading a couple of books that I read years ago. One of them is "Death of a Nation" by John A. Stormer. He is also the one that wrote the book "None Dare Call it Treason." In both of these books he shows how our government is turning into a communist government. I agree with most of what he says, but see more fascism in the works today than there probably was when he wrote the book in 1968. Many people still do not know how closely communism and fascism are.

This country was formed as a Republic. Thomas Jefferson stated "Yes we did produce a near perfect Republic. But will they keep it, or will they, in the enjoyment of plenty lose the memory of freedom? Material abundance without character is the surest way to destruction." Even as early as 1912 Woodrow Wilson made the statement that "This country is no longer a Republic but a democracy". As we know the next step after democracy is anarchy. The step after anarchy is a dictatorship, either fascist or communist or as I see our government a combination of the two or "Fasciunism". A quote from the Stormer book that I believe fits perfectly is, "America is walking after the false gods pleasure and materialism--sex and security." That is even more true today than it was in 1968 when he wrote the book.

When we look at the Occupy Wall Street(OWS) demonstrations, what do we see? We see communists, fascists, muslims and every other sick element of our society. We also see people like Micheal Moore and Anne Hathaway supporting this sick demonstration even though they are some of the one percent that the OWS gangs are against. Why would they be doing this except for purposes of bringing down our government and making it into a socialist government. As both communism and fascism are socialist entities, it does not matter which.

Look at one item and that is religion. When the communists took over Russia and formed the Soviet Union, they banned religion and were proclaimed atheist. When Hitler took over Germany he did not do away with the churches, he co-opted them. What is B. Hussein O doing? He is attempting to use the churches and pastors to aid and abet the government spying on its citizens. The Muslims also helped Hitler as they hated the Jews just as much as Hitler. Our pretendsident is no friend of Israel or the Jews. This is just one way that B. Hussein O. is using fascism to bring about a one world communist government. Like fascists he only takes over a portion of the manufacturing companies and banks. Just enough so that he can control them while being able to say that they are privately owned.

Now along comes OWS with their communist idea of redistributing the wealth. This is also something the B. Hussein O. wants. He stated that to Joe the Plumber during his campaign. Why could the people not see that what he wanted was socialism. The socialism we will get will first be fascism and then communism. The fascism has currently all but taken over the government. While we are supposed to be governed by three branches of government, we are being governed by the pretensident and all of his czars, along with a little help from the court. Any time that our Muslim in chief does not get what he wants through congress, he writes a presidential directive and bypasses the congress. Much of what he is doing is unconstitutional but he does not care. As long as he can get his way, he will keep doing it.

I will have much more of this subject in Part II

Sunday, October 23, 2011

OWS vs The Tea Party

Pretendisdent, B. Hussein O., Sillary Clinton, Bawney Fwank, Nanny Pelosi and a number of other demlicans would have us believe that the OWS (Occupy Wall Street) demonstrations are similar to the Tea Party demonstrations. Anyone that believes that has been sleeping longer than Rip Van Winkle. While the Tea Party demonstrations were attended by a bunch of patriotic Americans that assembled peacefully and cleaned up after themselves, the OWS crowd is not patriotic and does not clean up after themselves.

This (OWS) is what I call a real fasunistic gathering. You have Nazis, (fascists), socialists, communists and America haters of all stripes. What do they want? Well, it depends on which one of the idiots you ask. I call the idiots because most of them are not smart enough to get out of their own way. Actually it is probably a slap in the face to idiots everywhere to be compared to these scumbags. They steal for each other and the stores in the neighborhoods where they have taken over the parks. They rape their own, even the disabled. They have sex in public, and other forms of public nudity. They crap on police cars and otherwise deface police cars. They urinate and defecate in public, they use and sell drugs at most of the locations and these are just the tip of the iceberg.

In all of the Tea Party demonstrations I have never seen a communist or a Nazi. I have never seen a sign saying F--- America. I have never seen any racism or anti-Semitism. Yet the anti-semitism is well known in the OWS demonstrations and I do not see any more blacks at these demonstrations than at the Tea Party demonstrations. The OWS group camps out for months at a time and does not clean up after themselves and will not let others clean up after them. I cannot say they live like animals because no self respecting animal would live like they do. All I can say is they act like a bunch of filthy scum.

You can see how our country is being governed by when you look at the pretendsident and the others in congress and in other government jobs. These people are all in favor of the OWS yet called the tea party names all of the time. This shows me that our government is what I have said it was for many years; a FASCIUNIST government. The OWS idiots want everything given to them. That is the communist way. However, they also want government to control the banks and all of the other big businesses. That is Fascist. One thing that they seem to conveniently forget is that B. Hussein O. received more campaign money from Wall Street than anyone in history. They conveniently overlook that much of the OWS financing is coming through organizations that are fully funded by one of the richest men in the country; George Soros.

These idiots have no idea what they really want or how to go about getting it. They want a trillion dollars immediately to go to environmentalism. Where would they get the trillion? Tax the rich is what they would tell you, tax the one percent. Do they not realize that they would have to tax 1,000 billionaires at one billion dollars each to come up with a trillion. Yet Al Gore, who is himself one of the wealthy, agrees with them. Free college for everyone is another of their demands. For what? So they could study basket weaving? From the intelligence I have seen from the college students there, that is the most intense course they have taken. A living wage ($20 per hour by one persons estimation) for everyone whether they work or not. No one should have to work but everyone should get the pay. These are just a few of their demands and the rest are no more sane. If these do not strike anyone as communistic I do not know what they are.

OWS and the Tea Party the same? Not hardly. There is a world of difference between the two. And now my take on why the Pretendsident and his flunkys are in favor of OWS. This is what I talked about a few weeks ago, we are going into full blown ANARCHY. I believe that our government dummies are backing it and promoting more of it so that if they need to they can declare martial law. This is what I have said since the day B. Hussein O. took office. What better excuse would they have for declaring martial law than a nation of anarchists. Gee; then we could suspend the elections. Time to lock and load.

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Sunday, October 09, 2011

Class Warfare

We now have a pretendsident that is intent on promoting class warfare. OhBummer seems to think that if he gets enough people riled up that he will get his way. This is straight out of the Alinsky book of Neighborhood Organizing. The unions and the communists (but I repeat myself) are behind this. These are the same people that would love to see OhBummer re-elected.

This country was begun as a Representative Republic. During the last forty or fifty years our government indoctrination centers (what should be schools) have been promoting the idea that this is a democracy. A democracy is the last thing that our founders wanted. They knew that if the people in a democracy could get their own way the country could not survive. Now with the bulk of the last two generations believing what they learned in their government indoctrination centers, we have a country that believes that this is in fact a democracy. Actually, the way it is being run it is a Fasciunist country. Many people believe that fascists are right wing and communists are left wing. That is another fallacy of our government indoctrination centers. As I pointed out in my book "Fasciunism-The Real American Politics" that is not the way it is in real life. The way we are taught in school goes something like this: communism-socialism-democracy-constitutional republic-anarchy-fascism. That is way off base as far as the real world is concerned. The way it should read is: communism/fascism-socialism-constitutional republic-democracy-anarchy. This political spectrum should be arranged in a circle, which means that after anarchy, we get right back to communism/fascism. For a point to remember to use when anyone tells you that fascism is right wing, ask them what Hitler's political party was. They probably do not realize the it was the German National Socialist Party. The main difference between fascism and communism is that in fascism the government pretends to let businesses be in private hands, while all the time controlling it. That is kind of what OhBummer is trying to do. In communism the government owns all of the businesses outright.

Class warfare is one way of bringing about anarchy and then allowing a fascist or communist takeover. I believe that America will become a fasciunist country before it becomes completely communist. The occupy Wall Street protests are proof that anarchy is either coming or already here. What do these people want? They want money that other people earned. They want a living "wage" even if they are not working. They want everyone to be equal. They do not believe that businesses should be able to keep their profits. Now I will admit that there are people on Wall Street that are crooks and need to be put in jail. But these people need to remember, their favorite pretendsident OhBummer is the one that bailed out many of the crooks on Wall Street.

All of the people in the Occupy Wall Street protests and now all over the country, are looking for something for nothing. Most of them have never worked a day in their lives and are still living at home with their parents or living in a college dorm on their parents dime. They have OhBummer's backing even though he is deeply involved in the Wall Street scams. He attempts to equate this bunch of scum with the Tea Party. There could not be a bigger difference. The Tea Party wants to get back to the country being a Constitutional Republic while the Occupy protesters want a communist country. That is one of the reasons that the unions are behind it. They are mostly backed by communist money and would love to take over the country.

There are other things to think about in this class warfare fight. Think about the gun running scam in "Fast and Furious". This was originally a scam to show the people that Mexicans were getting their firearms from America. This would pit gun owners against non-gun owners. It would also allow more gun laws to be passed and perhaps the confiscation of at least some kinds of guns. It backfired and an American got killed with one of those weapons before the case could be made for gun control. Now our Attorney General is lying about what he knew and when he knew it. Had this not happened we would now be facing draconian gun laws and OhBummer would be driving another wedge in his class warfare.

Another thing that just happened that shows how far this country has sunk may or may not have anything to do with class warfare. However, when Hank Williams Jr. made his statement about OhBummer and Speaker of the House, he was immediately taken to task. I believe the statement was completely appropriate and accurate. It was a comparison of two people on opposite sides playing golf and having a great time together when the rest of the nation is suffering. I did not see the statement as comparing OhBummer to Hitler although even if he had it would have made no difference to me. The left wing fasciunist compared G W Bush to Hitler for eight years and nobody said anything about that. By the way, Hank was told that it was not politically correct. I hope all of those people know that the term "politically correct" was actually coined by one ADOLPH HITLER. Just another way to play Class Warfare, knowing everyone would take sides in the event.

If we expect our country to survive as a Constitutional Republic we have to do something to bring it back. I am not sure of what that is. I honestly hope that it can be done peacefully, but with things like Occupy Wall Street, I am beginning to lose that hope.

Monday, October 03, 2011

Smart Growth

Smart growth is a misnomer. I have been through a meeting on smart growth and found it to be just a way to tell me how I could use my private property. It is trying to bar private citizens from rural land, whether they currently own it or not. I live in an unincorporated township and our leaders were no more in favor of what they were told to do than I was. However, we were instructed by the county that we could either write a plan or they would do it for us. That is one of the things about "Sustainable Development" and the people that run it. First they get the state to go along with the plan, then the state tells the county that they have to adopt a plan. Next the county tells the villages and towns that they have to adopt a plan. This rural land use plan is embodied in the Wildlands Network and the urban plan of Smart Growth. The rural land use plan is to move everyone from their rural home and into an urban setting.

Smart Growth is set up so that humans will be barred from rural land and basically b put in cages while the animals roam free. For some stupid reason this does not sound like real sane thinking to me. this will be a central government control of every aspect of our life twenty-four hours a day for your entire life. They will control your energy use, your water use, your health, your diet, resources and waste management. they intend to control the use of water even from private wells. They also want "social justice" and will control your education and how you travel. Watch out for the smart meters that some power providers in some areas are installing. These are nothing but a way to control you electric use, your gas use and your water use. They are starting in the cities but you can be sure that they will move into rural areas if they get the chance.

Some of their plans include reducing your options when it comes to how and where you travel. It will get to be that you will need permission to travel if they get their way. You will have to live near where you work and these communities will be like the old time villages. Everything will need to be in the village so that you no not have to travel and use up the precious resources. Your freedom of mobility will no longer be something that you have.

One of the things that they plan to do is to herd everyone into tax-subsidized, government controlled human developments. The government will control these mixed-use areas and they will control everyone in them. People will be herded into villages according to their abilities and their usefulness to the government.

Does this sound like something you would like? Do you want the government controlling everything you do and say? Do you want the government providing you house, your food, your children, your transportation and everything else that you do? If you do not think that this could happen, think again. It is already happening in many communities around the country. The people are being led like sheep to slaughter. I opened today's blog by stating that I have attended a smart growth meeting and that we were told we had to write a plan. Well, the community in which I live has a lot of people that think like me when it comes to our freedoms. Instead of hiring some firm to write our plan like many of our neighboring communities did, we wrote our own. That way we could just barely meet what they wanted and we actually kept most of our freedoms. In my next entry, two weeks from now, I will get into a little more on how you can help fight this scheme of the one-world government lovers. Until then check out this blog next week for more on politics and check out my other blog and my store at: